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Friday, April 17, 2020

POL200 What will be the philosophy of Donald Trump's foreign policy?


What will be the philosophy of Donald Trump's foreign policy?


“Our country is right now perceived as weak ... as being spit on by the rest of the world ... Weakness always causes problems ... If this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.” ~ Donald Trump, 1990 Playboy interview

Define Doctrine

The word is of importance to understand. The policy is not just a suggestion or wish, but an absolute. When used by the Executive Branch, (traditionally) becomes a long standing policy. Doctrine, according to the Dictionary, is a “position or policy taught or advocated”

Doctrines by Term

5th US President James Monroe (term 1817-1825 ) established his doctrine: that The Americas would not have involvement in European affairs and conversely there would be European involvement in The Americas.  26th President Theodore Roosevelt (term 1901-1909) established a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: The US will not interfere with friendly countries; it will react to continuing misconduct. 33rd President Harry Truman (term 1945-1953) attested that the US will send money and arms to countries that resisting communism. 39th POTUS Jimmy Carter (term 1977-1981) established an interest in protecting the US oil interests in the Persian Gulf. 40th President Reagan (1981-1989) provided actual ongoing military and financial support for a specific cause; the Contras in Nicaragua. Our last example is Bush, (43rd POTUS, 2001-2009) whose beliefs that those who aid and abet our enemies are our enemies.  [Kelly]
Establishing previous POTUS Foreign Policy Doctrines, we see they have escalated. From basic exclusion to hostile intent breeds hostile intent. To aiding and abetting factions that hold similar belief against factions that are disagreeable. To attaining a foothold to resources for purely economic gain, to citing a reasonable excuse to go to war with persons whom we previously had no reason to.
It seems to warrant then, that, as in most of the government’s leaning, policies will not ease up, rather they will tighten. Foremost, Mr. Trump is a businessperson, with a public record for falsifying, failing and racially discriminating. [Graham] Given the historical actions of the man, his foreign policy will bolster no civic burdens, nor will it be worldly good from a moral standpoint. Indeed, the fifth executive order down the Presidential Pipeline (just 7 days in office) was the Muslim Ban which “banned foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from visiting the country for 90 days, suspended entry to the country of all Syrian refugees indefinitely, and prohibited any other refugees from coming into the country for 120 days.” [ACLU]

Prognosticate POTUS Policy

We seek here to posit what is our current POTUS plan; his philosophy.. However his foreign policy was well formed. It started on the campaign trail. Professor Paul K. MacDonald, relates that Trump’s Foreign Policy is an “America First” mentality, that Trump’s policies indicate America “needs to get better deals from other countries” and, on the whole “Trump laid out a foreign policy vision profoundly at odds with American traditions.
Germany’s Goethe University Professor Reinhard Wolf gives us a transcontinental view on the US POTUS’s foreign policy. Wolf reminds us that, since 1987, Trump changed his party registration “at least five times”. According to Trumps words, deeds and actions he “lacks any clear sense of direction concerning the substantive goals of American foreign policy” and that overall, “Instead, the key to understanding Trump’s foreign-policy outlook lies in his extreme attention to symbolism. Questions of substance are eclipsed by an obsession with status and respect. His well-known fixation with personal prestige also shapes his view of America’s place in the world. His life-long desire to look like a ‘winner’ who enjoys the respect of his peers always figured prominently in Trump’s take on American external relations.”

W.H. Foreign Policy Memorandums

To appreciate the seriousness to which the current white house takes its Foreign Policy, let’s visit White House official Foreign Policy statements. Current assertions that China “allowed the deadly virus to spread across the world” berating news media source Voice of America for abusing “American Tax Dollars” (grossly misleading; VOA is funded by citizens, who are presumably taxpayers. Also of note, VOA has“not failed a fact check[Media Bias]) At a statement of this magnitude made on April 10th, a 4+ months after much of the nation; including both our rural coastal directors and populous; teeming with distress since January. It seems manically finger-pointing that Mr. Trump would take this late opportunity to comment under the White House public Foreign Policy.  

In closing

The aforementioned reflection concludes that it will not be hard to determine what the Trump Doctrine, when all boiled down and passed to the history books, will taste like, overall. I opine that it will be a bitter and petty dish, stuffed with boloney, garnished heavily with diatribe.


ACLU. Timeline of the Muslim Ban. n.d. 17 Apr 2020. < >.
Dictionary. Doctrine, defined. n.d. 17 Apr 2020. <>.
Graham, David A. The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet, The Atlantic. 23 Jan 2017. 17 Apr 2020. <>.
Kelly, Martin. Top 6 Key U.S. Presidential Foreign Policy Doctrines, Thought Co. 09 May 2019. 17 Apr 2020. <>.
Macdonald, Paul K. "America First? Explaining Continuity and Change in Trump’s Foreign Policy." Political Science Quarterly vol. 133 no. 3 (Fall 2018). <>.
Media Bias / Fact Check. Voice of America. n.d. 17 Apr 2020. <>.
The White House; Foreign Policy. Amid a Pandemic, Voice of America Spends Your Money to Promote Foreign Propaganda. 10 Apr 2020. 17 Apr 2020. <>.
Wolf, Reinhard. "Donald Trump’s Status-Driven Foreign Policy." Survival (00396338) vol. 59, no. 5 (Oct 2017): pp 99-116. <>.

744 words not including restatement of query or opening quote.
POL200 Mendocino College Spring 2020 Prof. Liljeblad

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